Victorian Psychologists Association adopts resolution on nuclear weapons.

The Victorian Psychologists Association (VPA) has unanimously adopted a powerful resolution on nuclear weapons.

The Victorian Psychologists Association (VPA) has unanimously adopted a powerful resolution on nuclear weapons. 

The VPA resolution recognises the devastating humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or by accident, and endorses the resolution passed by the National Council of the Health Services Union in November 2018:

The HSU Acknowledges the devastating humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons, whether deliberate or by accident. Acknowledges that health workers would be among the first to respond to a nuclear attack. Most hospitals and support services would be rendered non-functional. Supports a nuclear-free defence policy for Australia. Nuclear weapons are inherently indiscriminate and inhumane. Their existence and policies for their use threaten the security of all. Notes and welcomes the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) at the United Nations in 2017 as a significant step towards the elimination of nuclear weapons. Congratulates the Australian-founded International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons for their role in bringing about the TPNW, for which they were awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize.  Calls on the Australian Government to sign and ratify the TPNW as a matter of urgency.

Further, the VPA:

  1. Calls on the Australian Government to immediately sign and ratify the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) as per ALP National Policy
  2. Urges HESTA and AWARE Super, which both have significant numbers of members employed in health and community services, to immediately divest from all investments in companies that produce nuclear weapons or componentry across the whole of their portfolios.

The VPA recognises the devastating humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons.