Education unions oppose militarisation of STEM

The Australian Education Union (AEU) has reiterated its opposition to the militarisation of education through the participation of weapons companies in STEM education. 

The Australian Education Union (AEU) has reiterated its opposition to the militarisation of education through the participation of weapons companies in STEM education. 

The AEU has passed key resolutions in response to AUKUS, increasing international tensions, over-investment in the military, and an “increased trend for weapons companies to develop STEM curriculum that promotes skills and interest in military technology.” 

In the latest AEU News online, the union states:

“The AEU is opposed to any moves that allow commercial interests – rather than pedagogy – to shape educational policy and practice. We share the concerns of the Medical Association for Prevention of War about the potential narrowing of STEM education due to the influence of weapons companies, at the expense of natural and physical sciences, and other curriculum that promotes sustainable development.”

MAPW welcomes the AEU’s position on the militarisation of education.

Read more in AEU News.