Call your MP: Ceasefire Now in Gaza

Ask your MP to take action for the protection of life.

MAPW is asking members and friends to contact your federal member of parliament to urge them to call for an urgent ceasefire and unrestricted humanitarian access in Gaza. 

Find your MP’s Parliamentary Office telephone number: click here for an online list or download a PDF list.

If your MP has already spoken out, congratulate them and encourage them to keep doing so. 

Here’s a suggested script. It takes just 40 seconds: 

Hello, my name is …. 

I am calling you about the need for a ceasefire and unrestricted humanitarian access in Gaza. 

[If you are a healthcare worker, give your profession i.e. I am a nurse.]

I am concerned about the terrible health and humanitarian impacts of continued violence. 

It’s clear that without a ceasefire and humanitarian access, patients and healthcare workers in Gaza will continue to suffer from military attacks, lack of equipment and supplies, and lack of fuel, water, and sanitation. 

Healthcare in conflict is protected under international law, and civilians must also be given proper protection. 

I would like to know what [MP’s name] is doing to uphold international law and I would like [MP’s name] to call for a ceasefire and unrestricted humanitarian access. I encourage [MP’s name] to act with conscience. 


Want to use your own words? Some tips and sources: 

  • Be polite. The person answering the phone may be receiving many calls
  • Be brief and direct
  • Ask a question, like “what is my MP doing to uphold international law?” and ask for a formal response
  • There are many sources of authoritative information about health and humanitarian impacts in Gaza you can refer to:
    • This article from Croakey lists humanitarian organisations calling for a ceasefire 
    • WHO statement that 200 attacks on health care in the occupied Palestinian territories (including the West Bank) have occurred since October 7
    • WHO statement that a child is killed in Gaza every 10 minutes
    • The desperate plea from the UN Secretary General for a ceasefire 
    • MSF reporting patients and medical staff being trapped
    • Amnesty International outlining the war crimes that are being committed

Thank you for taking time to call your MP. Please ask others to join you in taking action.