Adelaide joins the Cities Appeal

The City of Adelaide has joined ICAN's global Cities Appeal.
Pic: Fernando Goncalves

Adelaide is the latest Australian city to join the global International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) Cities Appeal.

The Cities Appeal advances the efforts of people around the world to ban nuclear weapons through ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. By adopting formal motions that recognise the grave threat of nuclear weapons, and the right of people around the world to live free of such a threat, cities and towns create new norms and drive progress towards the total abolition of the world’s worst weapons. 

MAPW South Australia and MAPW VP Dr Amanda Ruler, together with WILPF Australia, spearheaded efforts in South Australia to make Adelaide the 38th Australian signatory to the Cities Appeal. 

The Australian Local Government Association has unanimously passed a motion calling on Australia to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Worldwide, over 400 cities and towns have joined ICAN’s appeal. Want to add your city or town to the list? Got to ICAN Australia Cities Appeal.