Senate Inquiry Upholds Nuclear Prohibitions

MAPW welcomes the majority report of the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, upholding the prohibitions on nuclear power in Australia.

MAPW welcomes the majority report of the Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee, upholding the prohibitions on nuclear power in Australia.

We were amongst the many civil society organisations who, in our submissions, argued against the proposed Environment and Other Legislation Amendment (Removing Nuclear Energy Prohibitions) Bill 2022 introduced by Senators Matt Canavan and Alex Antic.

The majority report found:

…Australia’s moratorium on a civil nuclear industry in Australia has served the Australian public well and it should be maintained so that it can continue to protect the health and wellbeing of all Australians and Australia’s natural environment.

A dissenting report from Coalition Senators repeated baseless economic and technical arguments in favour of nuclear power: the argy-bargy and nuclear nonsense is far from over.

Read the majority report from the Committee here.

Find our submission to the inquiry in our Library

Australia’s moratorium on a civil nuclear industry has served the Australian public well ...